Silver Linings: On Hong Kong Protest @

MICA MAT Graduation Show

Veronica CheungSilver linings: On Hong Kong ProtestsMixed Media2019  Since June, 2019, my home city of Hong Kong has been embroiled in a political struggle over a (now withdrawn) extradition bill and has demanded for a true democratic reform. These …

Veronica Cheung

Silver linings: On Hong Kong Protests

Mixed Media

Since June, 2019, my home city of Hong Kong has been embroiled in a political struggle over a (now withdrawn) extradition bill and has demanded for a true democratic reform. These events have caused countless works of art to be produced by self-initiated anonymous artists who were inspired by this organic, leaderless movement. This cultural transformation, and its manifestation through art, is of extreme interest to me and serves well to illustrate my teaching philosophy. The situation in Hong Kong effectively illustrates that, no matter if a person takes a passive or active stance, the cultural impact of events can have a strong effect on them. The protests have not only driven many formerly passive citizens to the streets, but have also inspired creative and powerful works of art from those who may not be able to offer front line support. I have been inspired by the recent protests, as well as the 2014 umbrella protest, and wish to investigate and represent works associated with these movements and their effects on society. I believe my work can help students understand how their cultural and physical environment affects them, and, reciprocally, how they can impact their culture through their own art.